I am marrying my league partner in 72 hours [DelBringo]

I am marrying my league partner in 72 hours [DelBringo]

Newberg Knitters?

I am a new knitter and would love to connect with other knitters in town. Is there a group that meets up to knit together? I don't want to have to drive into Portland for something like this. Thanks!

أسعار الأسماك اليوم الأربعاء 12-02-2025

Anybody had endometrial ablation instead of hysterectomy?

So, there is some research that indicates that ablation of the endometrium (destruction of the tissue via heat or other means) can dramatically decrease a person's chance of getting endometrial cancer, which kind of makes sense -- if the tissue doesn't exist it's not going to become cancerous. Ablation is usually done on people who have endometriosis or heavy menstrual bleeding, as an alternative to hysterectomy. Has anyone discussed with their gyno surgeon the possibility of doing this procedure to try to keep the pelvic structures intact as much as possible, to avoid prolapses and other negative outcomes associated with hysterectomy, while lowering the risk of serous uterine cancer (which starts in the endometrium) due to BRCA?

Alex Len (C) signed by Lakers, Lakers release Christian Wood (F)

Aguero's latest anti-gambling campaign

I'm grateful to have such a legend in the sport demonstrate why you shouldn't gamble. Gambling is dangerous. You could've been the one to lose 10k, but instead he did it for you. How generous!

"> I'm grateful to have such a legend in the sport demonstrate why you shouldn't gamble. Gambling is dangerous. You could've been the one to lose 10k, but instead he did it for you. How generous!

Ok vhai

Haters will say I should’ve sold , wait will this matures ⬆️💎🫰

Design changes everything. Discover Kohler’s powerful collaboration with creative director Laura Kim, inspired by the Veil smart toilet in Honed Black.

Design changes everything. Discover Kohler’s powerful collaboration with creative director Laura Kim, inspired by the Veil smart toilet in Honed Black.

So… these are my comfiest shoes I got.

I’ve had these for 2 years

SealsQ roundtable Feb 11th

Found the livestream https://www.youtube.com/live/rbHwIbl1Z3w?si=mSr1YVZs0dhOzyos

Brand Nubian - Punks Jump Up To Get Beat Down HD (1992)

What in the hell is going on here?

They’re in systems I can’t access; just directly beyond my map

Hazbin Hot Topic Merch

Hazbin Hot Topic Merch

Finally got around to going to my local hot topic for some Hazbin merch after hearing about it last year. Got some nice shirts and accessories from there.

"🔥 Want daily motivation and top football content? Join our growing community now! Follow us on Instagram: [https://www.instagram.com/b2w_18?igsh=MWkwN2RyeGc0ODlzMQ==] 🚀"

Follow me for more high quality content 😉

Ranking Dread - Fattie Boom Boom

Remember this riddim

AITA For Giving My Husband Of 4 Year Silent Treatment All Day For Not Taking My Cat To The Vet

Ok so I (F) 25 have been with my husband M (28) for 6 years now. We moved to Spain and year ago from the UK for a more relaxed life since we both work online. Since we have a huge villa, I finally got to live my life long dream of having a cat. My husband was against it as he doesn’t care for cats and sees them as a huge liability however I adopted 3 and rescued a 4th due to us having such a huge house. My ginger cat of 6 months has been a little lethargic and I’ve seen him get slowly more distant which was a red flag. 3 days later I’m seeing him sneeze and his left eye is cloudy and red. My husband knows I love my cats as if they were my kids and I can see my kitten pumpkin is in a lot of pain so I call a bunch of local vets who tell me the next available appointment is Friday which is 3 days away. I genuinely don’t want to wait so I call an emergency vet who told me she had an appt for 5pm today. I was in tears on the phone because I can see my fur baby is in so much pain and I don’t want any symptoms to worsen and turn into something fatal so I accept and tell my husband. He’s in the middle of working and bluntly says it’s not his problem and he can’t do anything today because he wants to focus on his staff zoom meetings. I was now stuck and trying to call my maid and all the local taxi services but to no avail as we live in a rural part of Spain where Ubers aren’t a thing and taxis are usually booked 1-2 days in advance. One thing to keep in mind is that I still can’t drive so my husband takes me everywhere and I had asked him to simply drop me to the vet (15 mins away) and he went off on a rant saying I should have never burdened myself with cats and it’s my fault for getting them in the first place. I burst into tears, left the room and refused to speak to him all day. I’ve been trying home remedies and just keeping my cat calm but I’m so frustrated because the only individual who suffers here is my kitten. Is this really my fault? What should I do?

Mental Health Services Survey

Hey y’all, my name is Grace Madonna, I’m an art therapy student at Lesley University doing a research project about the mental health services available at major Metro-Boston colleges and I’d love to hear your thoughts about your school’s services! If you’re interested in contributing to important research that will be used to improve services down the line to support students like you, please fill out this anonymous [google form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1P2R-uXvzwQWtPOKvYiQkiyqu6QWiN6Lfr-W7nB5O55A/edit?usp=drive_web) and let me know if you have any questions.  If you're weary about clicking a reddit link, you can email me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and I'll be happy to send it to you from there. Also, please send this survey to anyone else who goes to your school and wants to share their thoughts. Thanks everyone!


Hi guys, so I'm interested in double majoring in IR and economics or ppe and economics sooo I was wondering which A levels should I enroll for.

Snake Getting Nerfed Was Only The Beginning Of Things To Come

The everything app, for work. Get everyone working in a single platform.

The everything app, for work. Get everyone working in a single platform.

Scifi books with Copenhagen Interpretation and transit between “many worlds “

I’m particularly interested in what causes the world splits that avoided wave function collapse.

The Corruption of the Bible: A Christian Dilemma

The Bible, a cornerstone of Christianity, might not be as pristine as it's often claimed to be. A lot of Christians will tell you the Bible is the "unchanged Word of God," but when you dig deeper, it becomes clear that there are some serious issues with that claim. Not only does history show us that the Bible has gone through changes, but many Christians seem to double down on defending their faith by nitpicking other Abrahamic religions like Judaism and Islam instead of addressing these glaring inconsistencies in their own scriptures The Bible wasn't written in one go; it's a collection of texts compiled over centuries. Scholars like Bart D. Ehrman have pointed out the thousands of textual variants in New Testament manuscripts. In his book "Misquoting Jesus," Ehrman details how scribes altered texts, sometimes intentionally, to fit theological beliefs or remove contradictions. These ancient texts reveal discrepancies with later versions of the Hebrew Bible, showing that changes were indeed made over time. For instance, the Isaiah Scroll from Qumran has variations from the Masoretic Text used today. Jeremiah 8:8: This verse literally questions the integrity of the law, saying, "How can you say, 'We are wise, and the law of the LORD is with us'? But behold, the false pen of the scribes has made it into a lie." Here's an in-text admission of tampering. 2 Corinthians 2:17: Paul hints at those "peddling the word of God" in a corrupt manner, suggesting there were already issues with scriptural integrity in his time. When faced with these issues, some Christians turn to apologetics, arguing that while there might be textual issues, the core message remains intact. However, this often involves critiquing the authenticity of texts from Judaism or Islam to elevate Christian scripture. John W. Loftus, Once a Christian minister, Loftus now criticizes the Bible's reliability, particularly in his book "The Christian Delusion," where he discusses how early Christians might have manipulated texts. Robert M. Price, A former Baptist minister turned skeptic, Price has written extensively on the mythicism of Jesus, arguing that the gospels are more myth than history, which indirectly supports the view of corruption. By focusing on perceived flaws in Judaism or Islam, some Christians might sidestep the textual issues in their own faith. This can foster an environment of religious one-upmanship rather than genuine dialogue or self-examination. Let’s talk hypocrisy for a second. Many Christians accuse Islam of being violent based on cherry-picked verses from the Qur’an while ignoring equally harsh passages in their own Bible. Ever read Deuteronomy 20:16-17? It commands Israelites to kill entire populations, including women and children. Sounds pretty brutal, right? Yet somehow, Christians gloss over this while pointing fingers at others. This double standard extends to how they handle criticism. Ask a Christian about the Bible’s contradictions, and they’ll likely say, “It’s still God’s Word.” But ask them about alleged contradictions in the Qur’an, and suddenly, those become deal-breakers. Convenient, huh? The acceptance of a potentially corrupted text leads to theological gymnastics where doctrines are reinterpreted or selectively applied. This can be seen in debates over the Trinity, where verses supporting this doctrine have textual issues (like 1 John 5:7-8 in the KJV, which is absent in most modern translations due to its late addition). I’m not saying Christianity is completely baseless I respect anyone’s right to believe what they choose. But pretending the Bible hasn’t been corrupted is intellectually dishonest. History, scholarship, and even internal contradictions prove otherwise 5. And instead of owning up to these facts, many Christians resort to bashing other faiths to prop up their own.

Custom '41 Willys Hot Rod

Custom '41 Willys Hot Rod

Hand-build engine made from ABS plastic rods, spray can straws, and electrical tape for the belt.

Relaxing in the fog

Decided to go out paddling today before going to see Alice cooper it was a lil foggy but very relaxing

Well it’s official I give up trying

Made a post in a popular community for people I thought were like mined only to have it be removed by mods and to be reported for needing help. I guess they don’t want to talk about how people actually feel and just want to act as some sort of sunshine committee. Why does no one ever accept my thoughts? Why must every moment be a battle just to state my opinion? It feels like the people who tell you to “just be yourself” are the same ones keeping you down. Is there really no place for my darkness to go, but farther into my soul? Every time I hear someone telling me to “hope” or “just tell them to fuck off” I want to scream. You really think it’s that easy? That I have any hope left? Every time I post pics it gets zero attention so I just end up deleting them. I thought at least people liked my physical self but once again just not enough. Don’t you see I’m trapped, no one would hear my screams any way. No one wants me as I am, and I will never see myself become the man I want to be. That hurts most of all. I have a history of ED but it’s not enough anymore. Feels like my depression is starting to ask for more pain as a sacrifice. Btw I vagued most of these things in my other post but left a majority out and it was still too much.

"> Made a post in a popular community for people I thought were like mined only to have it be removed by mods and to be reported for needing help. I guess they don’t want to talk about how people actually feel and just want to act as some sort of sunshine committee. Why does no one ever accept my thoughts? Why must every moment be a battle just to state my opinion? It feels like the people who tell you to “just be yourself” are the same ones keeping you down. Is there really no place for my darkness to go, but farther into my soul? Every time I hear someone telling me to “hope” or “just tell them to fuck off” I want to scream. You really think it’s that easy? That I have any hope left? Every time I post pics it gets zero attention so I just end up deleting them. I thought at least people liked my physical self but once again just not enough. Don’t you see I’m trapped, no one would hear my screams any way. No one wants me as I am, and I will never see myself become the man I want to be. That hurts most of all. I have a history of ED but it’s not enough anymore. Feels like my depression is starting to ask for more pain as a sacrifice. Btw I vagued most of these things in my other post but left a majority out and it was still too much.

Is Al-Jazari bugged? (Abbasid unique civilian)

Hey has anyone else played Abbasids yet and gotten Al-Jazari? I believe he might be bugged. I activated him but he didn’t give me a specialist!

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