Made a post in a popular community for people I thought were like mined only to have it be removed by mods and to be reported for needing help. I guess they don’t want to talk about how people actually feel and just want to act as some sort of sunshine committee. Why does no one ever accept my thoughts? Why must every moment be a battle just to state my opinion? It feels like the people who tell you to “just be yourself” are the same ones keeping you down. Is there really no place for my darkness to go, but farther into my soul? Every time I hear someone telling me to “hope” or “just tell them to fuck off” I want to scream. You really think it’s that easy? That I have any hope left? Every time I post pics it gets zero attention so I just end up deleting them. I thought at least people liked my physical self but once again just not enough. Don’t you see I’m trapped, no one would hear my screams any way. No one wants me as I am, and I will never see myself become the man I want to be. That hurts most of all. I have a history of ED but it’s not enough anymore. Feels like my depression is starting to ask for more pain as a sacrifice. Btw I vagued most of these things in my other post but left a majority out and it was still too much.