Any past NP students here for advice?

Any past NP students here for advice?

Looking for someone who’s gone through the masters program for NP to ask some questions to.

Get ready to meet the new Samsung Galaxy S series, your true AI companion. Save this post or visit u/Samsung_Mobile at 10am PST.

Get ready to meet the new Samsung Galaxy S series, your true AI companion. Save this post or visit u/Samsung_Mobile at 10am PST.

Ano da cobra


Sveiki visi, Es pašlaik strādāju pie projekta Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund ietvaros. Iniciatīva ietver problēmas risināšanu valstī un risinājuma izstrādi. Ja projekts sniedz pozitīvu ietekmi un atrisina problēmu, grantā tiek piešķirts finansējums tās īstenošanai. Tomēr projektam ir nepieciešami vismaz divi alumni, tostarp viens Latvijas pilsonis, kurš ir piedalījies ASV valdības sponsorētajos apmaiņas programmos. Tā kā esmu jauna Latvijā, vēl neesmu pazīstama ar vietējo alumni tīklu, tāpēc sazinājos ar ASV vēstniecību. Viņi man paskaidroja, ka Latvijas alumni tīkls ir paredzēts tikai Latvijas pilsoņiem, tāpēc es nevaru pievienoties šim tīklam. Viņi ieteica sazināties ar Global Network, taču tas prasa laiku, lai viņi pārskatītu manus dokumentus un apstiprinātu manu pieprasījumu pievienoties, un neesmu pārliecināta, vai tur atradīšu kādu Latvijas alumni. Lai virzītos uz priekšu ar savu projektu, man jāatrod Latvijas pilsonis, kurš ir ASV valdības sponsorētās apmaiņas programmas absolvents. Ja zināt kādu, kas atbilst šīm prasībām, lūdzu, sazinieties ar mani, es labprāt sadarboties uz šo projektu. Vēstniecība piešķir prioritāti projektiem, kas notiek Latvijā un kuriem ir vismaz viens Latvijas alumni. Es strādāju pie problēmas, kas saistīta ar kazino/gambling reklāmām, lai izglītotu jauniešus par tām, jo viņi patērē daudz interneta satura. Es uzskatu, ka mediju pratība ir svarīga, lai viņi saprastu. Mans projekts būs vērsts uz šo tēmu, taču, ja jums ir idejas par citiem projektiem, es būšu atvērta dzirdēt tās! Paldies! Hello everyone, I'm currently working on a project for the Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund. The initiative involves addressing a problem in the country and developing a solution. If the project has a positive impact and solves the problem, the grant provides funding to implement it. However, the project requires at least two alumni, including one Latvian citizen who is a participant of a US government-sponsored exchange program. Since I'm new to Latvia, I'm not yet familiar with the alumni network here, so I reached out to the US Embassy. They informed me that the Latvian Alumni Network is only for Latvians, so I cannot join that particular network. They suggested I connect with the Global Network instead, but it takes time for them to review my documents and approve my request to join, and I'm not sure if I will find a Latvian alumni there. To move forward with my project, I need to find a Latvian citizen who is an alumni of a US government-sponsored exchange program. If you know anyone who fits this description, please connect me, I would love to collaborate on the project. The embassy prioritizes projects that take place in Latvia and involve at least one Latvian alumni. I have a problem to work on related to casino/gambling advertisements, aiming to educate young people about them, as they consume a lot of internet content. I feel media literacy is important for them to understand. My project will focus on that, but if you have ideas for other projects, I'm open to hearing them! Thank you!

Recently pulled The Herta and looking for team

I seen lots of people use serval and hetra in their teams with The Herta. Are they good with her and if they are, why?? Also should I include a heal character in my team comp and if i should, should I pick natasha or gallagher

Crypto from Destroy All Humans - Fanart

Dry snow last night

On the way to the airport this morning I noticed an interesting pattern in how the snow cleared from the rear window. This was after driving about 55mph. At 65, the back window cleared completely.

How can I prevent players from team 2 from boarding players 1 vehicle?

Team 1 players spawn next to transport spawners, get into them and go fight with Team 2 players. I want Team 2 players not to be able to get into the passenger seat of Team 1 players' transport - how can I do this?

Horny for Ahsokas feet🤤 05debe2636b78a041f41f4f4d259b459f15af7315d80fdc365c73a6fcb1d8afe20


I need help with purchasing DLC

I'm enjoying EA WRC, and I'm also looking forward to this expansion pack. Stupidly, I bought a pack with only 24 seasons of vehicles added. It's too expensive to buy 24 seasons + expansion packs again. Is there a way to buy only expansion packs separately?

Recently announced stargate project

What are the chances of new AI plant from recently announced stargate project being constructed in NOVA?

No update after Document verification mail

Hey everyone! I submitted my documents when I received the Document submission mail after workday mail. I received the mail on 18 Dec and submitted my documents the very day. Since then, I haven't received any update after that. Is there anyone facing the same issue? It will be very helpful to know and if anyone has already joined, it will really help to know how much time it takes after that and what process follows. PS: My role is PADA, off-campus.

Investimento recomendado de curto prazo ou de resgate diário?

Quero um tipo de investimento que renda diariamente e que eu possa retirar o dinheiro quando precisar sem descontar imposto de renda ou outras coisas. Existe algum? Se não, existe algum que seja em um prazo curto? Sei lá, em 3 meses?

That moment when work just... works. It’s time to give your team a platform they’ll actually love—intuitive, easy to use, built to streamline work and achieve goals faster.

That moment when work just... works. It’s time to give your team a platform they’ll actually love—intuitive, easy to use, built to streamline work and achieve goals faster.

A moment of calm (OM-1 Mark II w/12-40) Live ND

They named it Stargate, the fictitious portal thru which hostile alien civilizations try to invade earth. I just hope we get the same amount of completely unrealistic plot armor that was protecting Stargate Command in SG1

Thiensville teacher accused of child enticement

Not a Drag Queen.

Revoked titles from a vassal and a year later he became the new Pope! What are the chances?!

Marketing automation: why it matters

I’ve been working in digital marketing for years, and I can confidently say that marketing automation is one of the best things you can introduce to your workflows.  Whether you're running a small blog or managing a large e-commerce brand, automation can completely change how you approach your marketing strategy. In a few words, marketing automation is software that handles repetitive tasks like emails, social media posts, or ad tracking. Nowadays, many tools now use AI and machine learning to personalize these efforts. # Why rely on marketing automation? Marketing automation helps you: * Save time by automating repetitive tasks. * Boost sales by delivering the right message to the right customer at the right time. * Enhance customer experience through personalization.  * Automate routine tasks and focus on big-picture strategies instead of drowning in admin work. # Best marketing automation tools  I asked 95 professionals in the field to find out what marketing automation tools they recommend and use for small businesses. The top five results are as follows: 1. HubSpot Marketing Hub: 36.25% 2. Mailchimp: 33.75% 3. ActiveCampaign: 22.50% 4. Klaviyo and Brevo: 10% 5. Omnisend: 8.75% Marketing automation is a game-changer. But it’s not a set-it-and-forget-it deal—you need to understand your audience and use the data to tweak your campaigns over time. Start small, experiment, and scale as you go. If you’re serious about saving time and scaling your marketing efforts, try one of the recommended tools above (or you can find more recommendations in [my blog]( Once you see the results, you’ll wonder how you ever managed without them!

How to have better mental when invaded?

I need to work on my mental in general. I usually mute. But I lose my mind when I get invaded early and my team doesn’t help. I just had a game where the enemy twitch and support and jungle killed me level 1, then again I had the enemy twitch roam into my jungle level 2. Then the enemy support left lane to continuously roam and help the jungler legit 3-4 minutes in the game where the main goal was taking my jungle and killing me. I know pinks and sweeper and just awareness against twitch is key but most his key roams were very early. I’m disappointed as I used to main twitch and pull the same stuff but usually the enemy bot or support at least comes to help the jungler when I try to pull that kind of stuff. We still lost bot with the adc/support perma roaming on me. My bot said “not my jgl not my problem”. I know I should have been more aware, left that side of my jungle earlier and force a gank or something But I just lost my mind. I really want to jungle but it mentally breaks me. I ended up tilt farming and just going for strong skirmishes and we got close to winning but my 3-14 Caitlin plus my lack of objectives ultimately lost us the game. I was strong eventually but gave up too much early.

Gear shifting

Guys.. is it normal for classic 350 bs4 to make a ktak sound when i shift from 1st to 2nd gear?

Dual 360 rad in sup01

Gunna try and get a liquid cooled suprim 5090 (or other lc model from someone else) and was wondering if I can have 2x 360 rads. I have icue h150i elite lcd and the other would be whatever comes with the gpu. Thanks in advance

Dakota Johnson and Chris Martin Share Subtle PDA While Out in India | Live Streams, Free Score & Result, Online Update, TV Channel Schedule and More 🔴

Is there a multi game cart for the DS?

I'm trying to recollect all of my old ds stuff that I lost when my apartment building burnt down.

Jockey Hollow - Morris County, NJ

Stay warm and drive carefully. Cheers!

"> Stay warm and drive carefully. Cheers!

If seeing this in Laravel makes you 🤮, get Sentry.

If seeing this in Laravel makes you 🤮, get Sentry.

Thread for TJOs/potential National Security Exemption

Hi all, I had a TJO 2/10 with a TSC/SCI role that I would consider in [national security]( I received a rescinded email from HR. I called and they said would attempt to get an exemption and then send out a new offer. I should hear back in the next few days. I was going to see if anyone was in the same/similar boat and what their status was.

Deoxys 2 local 981192841859